Jason Wallis lives in Tennessee. He is the father of one passionate daughter, one son-on-the-way, and the husband to an amazing public school teaching wife. Jason is an elementary school teacher and former Student Pastor. He has a drive for life-long learning and is consistently pursuing more educational opportunities. He loves writing and is an award-winning stage play author, seeing his plays performed for multiple-week runs.
Jason is also an illustrator and commission artist. He loves all things nerd and enjoys putting his version of these characters on the page when not working on other projects.
Life brings its own set of worries, so sometimes locating the humor in the moment is the only relief we get (that and Sweet Tea). Spending time with family/friends and making memories that last has become a larger purpose in this life. God has given us a specific number of days and it is up to us to use them. Now with that said, I’m going back to building a rocket ship out of cardboard boxes with my daughter…because space won’t explore itself.