Early Reader:
Mr. OneEars and the Button Which Shall Not Be Pressed
#1 Best Selling Book and #1 New Release!!
Jason’s Author/Illustrator debut book!!
Mr. OneEars and the Button Which Shall Not Be Pressed is a fully interactive early reader experience. The reader not only serves as a narrator on Mr. OneEars' journey, but also plays a pivotal role as a character within the book.
In this story of self-control, Mr. OneEars encounters an interesting button that shall not be pressed. What follows is a roller coaster of events leading him to be the trickster and eventual hero of the story.
This is Book 1 in a series of nine exploring the Fruit of the Spirit. I wanted to create a story that had a singular overarching purpose, and scripture is the first place I look. This inaugural book examines the idea of self-control and how easily everyone can struggle with this temptation. Each page is filled with action, expression, and humor that can be enjoyed by the entire family.
Get the book, read every page, but whatever you do, DON'T PRESS THE BUTTON...
YA Novel:
My debut YA novel follows the journey of a drug that gives the user a “super-power” for 24 hours. What would you do with that power? How would you feel about those that could do things that should be considered unnatural? Old wounds are reopened and friendships must survive the fire in book one of this three part YA novel series.
Click on the cover to read more about it and make a purchase.